FAQ - Licensing

Q: How many types of NNPC licenses are available?
A: We provide single and multiple licenses.
Q: What can I do with a NNPC SINGLE LICENSE?
A: SINGLE LICENSE allow you to use NNPC internally in your company.
With a SINGLE LICENSE you cannot rent, lease, edit or create derivative works based on the NNPC database.
Q: What can I do with a NNPC MULTILICENSE?
A: You can use a MULTILICENSE to embed the NNPC database in your software, in an App or in a reserved area for access by your customers.
A MULTILICENSE requires an Agreement between the parties.
Q: What is the price of a NNPC MULTILICENSE?
A: The price of a MULTILICENSE depends on many factors such as the use of NNPC, the NNPC data protection and the estimated number of users.
Q: The license will give us access to download or to interrogate the database?
A: You can download the NNPC database.
Q: How is the purchase process? Do we get access to the product or there is a validation process?
A: You get immediate access to NNPC database if you pay online via Paypal and Credit Card while, if you use a bank transfer, you can access NNPC only after we get your payment and we authorize your subscription.
Q: Can I buy NNPC database at your office, dealers or resellers?
A: No, you can buy NNPC database only online at www.numplans.com.